mardi 1 mars 2011

10 Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Facebook is a very usefull marketing tool for all businesses, but even more for small businesses which do not have a big marketing budget. This article is interesting in the sense that it gives advice on how to implement Facebook as a successful tool in small businesses. As the article says "keep it simple"; no need to have a full time social media professional to put in place and update a Facebook page. The 10 Facebook marketing tips proposed by the article are:
  1. Manage expectations - do not expect to have thousand of fans in the first place, and be disappointed.
  2. Make time - create time to update your page 1 hour a day. Not much time needed.
  3. Learn as much as you can - take notes on what you do not understand to check them later.
  4. Start with a small budget - promote your your business through Facebook without spending much. Bigger advertising will come later.
  5. Create a page, not a profile
  6. Post cool status updates - post interesting and engaging content.
  7. Have one-on-one conversations - keep personal contacts with your fans. Respond to them when they contact you.
  8. Don't spam - communicate through your page, not via emails.
  9. Create coupons and promotions - attract fans through promotions and special offers.
  10. Encourage check-ins
I believe that these tips are very useful for small businesses such as small hotels. It enables them to stay somehow competitive compared to bigger renowned hotels. Once the Facebook page is set up, a hotel can then set up its booking engine on its Facebook page.

Link to the article

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