lundi 21 mars 2011

Mobile: Transforming the delivery of today’s hospitality experience

Understanding the purchasing behaviour of our customers is one of the keys to success. Nowadays, business and leisure travellers can search, organise and bok their trip through many channels, and the latest one is mobile, smartphones. As the article points out, 77% of business travellers use their smartphones to plan their trip. Nowadays, many travel applications to download on smartphones exist. Phone applications are very useful and beneficial for hoteliers as it makes their access for customers easier. They are bookable anywhere and at ay time (in public transportation, in waiting lines, while waiting to board on a plane, ...). Another advantage is that it is as safe as computer. I believe that today, if companies do not have a strong presence on social medias and mobile, you are "killing" your business. Companies need to integrate a mobile strategy in their overall strategy to stay competitive and bring in business through new distribution channels.

Link to the article

1 commentaire:

  1. I totally agree with you! Today, companies need to be present on social media and on mobile. Indeed, mobile and social media have an important place in business and leisure travellers searches, so, if a company wants to be competitive , it needs to have a mobile strategy and a social media strategy in its marketing strategy!
    Mobile is a new distribution, a new way to organize our travels, and we are more and more to use it to plan our trips.
    So, with all the possibilities that a hotel has on the mobile market (mobile web site, mobile apps, mobile advertising...) it is essential and primordial to integrate a Mobile strategy in its overall strategy!
