dimanche 23 janvier 2011

Alinean Research Reveals Social Media Hierarchy of Needs

This article was written and originally published by Alinean Company, which provides dynamic sales and marketing tools to vendors who work on a B2B level. Through this white paper, Alinean points out a new approach to Social Media to increase a hotel's return on investment. It showed that ROI is increased through engagement, driven by a set of best practices through a Social Media Hierarchy of Needs. This Hierarchy of Needs was created in relation with Maslow's well known hierarchy of needs. Maslow's pyramid represents the human developmental psychology through 5 stages of human needs: Psychological, Safety, Love / Belonging, Esteem, Self actualization.

The hierarchical set of engagement best practices include content, campaigns, monitoring and collaboration. The research's results show that there is a higher return on investment and cost savings if there is a good social media level of engagement from marketers to attract and correspond with followers, influencers, readers ... on social medias. The article adds that all the 4 steps should be well implemented by marketers in order to obtain an effective level of engagement.

I found this article very interesting as I believe that as a future hotelier, every new marketing approcah is good to focus on and analyse to be very effective and efficient in the future. Social Medias are the current best marketing approaches today.Many hotels create accounts on social medias, but they do not really know how to use them correctly, and make the most out of them, therefore this social media hierarchy of needs can be a helpfull tool for hoteliers to create new business and increase their ROI.

Link to article

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